Please Read! Important Information Pertaining to Dr Colbey Forman, PhD.

Dr. Colbey Forman PhD and Degree Info .com Scam Site

Dr. Forman was informed about a fraudulent blog by a colleague who had been slandered and told him that he, (Dr. Forman) and dozens of others, had been targeted. At his request, Valorie Jennings, an attorney, and one of Dr. Forman’s Doctoral students investigated the matter. Below is a copy of her findings directly from her email. Very Brief and Important. Please take a moment and read!
From: Valorie Jennings <[email protected]> Date: Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 11:57 AM
Subject: My research on the blog reporting false information about you.
To: [email protected]

Hi Dr. Forman, it’s Valorie Jennings, After researching 20 pages of Google, I found all positive references about you and not a single negative reference, except for a blog that calls itself, which is totally fraudulent, as shown below.

 The owner of this blog is “Chip White” and his email address on the site is [email protected].  A Google search of this email address reveals reports of the site being used as a scam to smear peoples’ names for profit, as well as accounts of numerous violations, including information on the site being exposed as a front for pedophile pornography!

Dr. Forman, I suggest that you Google search the “Chip White” name or the above email for yourself.  I am including below some of the links you can copy and paste into your browser to verify this. It is so extreme that it is almost hard to believe that something claiming to be some kind of “information source” could be utterly and completely corrupt  and still allowed to mislead people on the web!

Here are just a few links from “The Rip-Off Report”, “The Consumer Complaint Seeker” and some others about and its owner “Chip White.”

you can press the “ctrl” key and right-click your mouse to go to these links.

BUSTED! Chip White’s fake company:

Chip White Academic Fraud: Exposed as Front for Gay Pedophile Porn:

There are dozens more, but hopefully, this gives you more than enough sense of what and who we are dealing with here.

The false post about you and BU is misleadingly labeled: Barron Forums. If anyone with any level of educational and/or professional discernment sees what I see and takes a second to Google search the source, then it would be shocking to find anyone referring to this “blog” as anything but a totally illegitimate source. 

On another, more serious point, when discounting this false blog, I researched not only the 20 Google pages I mentioned above, but over 100 pages of information on you in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and AOL and found not one single negative post and several dozen positive posts which is quite extraordinary but merely speaks to my personal experience of you, having known you for almost a decade. 

Having begun my studies with you in 2004, I consider myself as someone who actually knows you quite well.  As an attorney, consultant, and student, I have experienced your work to be brilliant and your skills as a professor to be unmatched.  Your unwavering commitment to help others, your ethics and your integrity are truly admirable. 

 From my time at Brown University and Columbia University School of Law, I gained a foundation for the rigors of my professional endeavors.  From my time at Beurin University, I gained and continue to refine an approach for living that recognizes the critical importance of spirit, mind, and body in one’s own life and in the lives of others we touch on this journey.  BU, indeed, sets and engages a new standard of learning and leadership that is infused with its own brand of wisdom. 

Thank you, Dr. Forman, for the precious gift.

 I sincerely hope this email puts your mind to rest about your reputation and assures anyone you care to share this with of your remarkable abilities as an educator and psychoneurologist.

 Valorie Jennings, Esq. and Ph.D.c